Yesterday, as I was showering my toddler using my right hand and holding baby on my left arm, I thought, it’s only right to dedicate a post to my Mami arms. I know it sounds kind of funny, but it wasn’t until I became a mom that I realized the endless things you can do with a baby on one arm, leaving the right to tackle business. I know parents can relate.
There have been so many awkward, one-handed parenting moments where I can’t help but laugh and think to myself, I need to blog about this. You know the life, before baby, where using the bathroom was an intimate, private time? How can that ever become a thing of the past? A memory? Well, yes, it does! Perhaps for those non-parents this sounds a little too barbaric, but let’s be honest, parenting is rough. It all comes down to the daily attempt at survival, or at least that’s how it feels.
Here are some of the things I’ve mastered while carrying a baby, mainly using one hand:
cooking, setting a table, brushing my teeth, bathing my toddler, eating, drinking, making coffee, loading the dishwasher, washing bottles, preparing a bottle, typing (which prompts me to question why I learned how to type when I have had to exercise patience at the pressing of single keys at a time when composing a message), sorting laundry, cleaning up, organizing, lesson planning, lesson prepping, pushing a stroller, and I am sure with time the list will go on…
So here is to you, mommas and poppas out there, getting things done, using only one hand and making simple tasks feel like major accomplishments. We got this!