Why Roblox Feels Dangerous

Why Roblox Feels Dangerous Inaproppriate Content Let’s start with the obvious: Roblox is marketed as kid-friendly, but it’s anything but in many corners. Even with the company’s moderation efforts, explicit and violent games are still accessible to kids. I read stories of children stumbling into spaces that no parent would knowingly allow them to enter. […]

“the talks”

As a Latina, single mama of three chicas, I’m quickly learning that addressing topics related to sexuality is a journey, not “a” conversation. It’s one filled with sensitivity, intention and, to be honest, lots of fear. Each of my girls, with their unique personalities and in varying developmental stages, has required a different approach to […]

it takes a village

Some women choose single mamahood. For others, single mamahood chooses them. In my case, it happened to choose me. Life has a special way of giving you exactly what you need even if it’s hard to see at the moment. Six years ago, if you were to have asked me whether I thought separation and, […]

mental health check-in

With the spring season comes change and in very “on brand” style, we decided to embrace a full on business move and pivot on our business model. I must admit, I’ve been a little removed from the blog but I promise it’s for good reason. After 4+ years, we bid farewell to little Lola & […]

working with kids

Just a month ago I realized how real PTSD can be. While we were dealing with the quick spread of Omicron over the holidays, I quickly caught major flashbacks of the anxiety that had first taken over at the onset of the pandemic. Classrooms started shutting down and quarantines became mandatory but we were all […]

here comes halloween

If there’s one thing my girl squad shares is our love for holidays, events and parties. I guess it makes sense for my little FOMO-having little ones to enjoy it all as much as I do… I mean, they are mine. Sometimes people ask me how do I have the energy for certain activities but, […]

back to school send off

Hola! I know it has been a bit since I last posted. I cannot believe we’re already in the midst of the most anticipated time of year for us parents, “Back to School” time. I know most of us have been waiting for this day since March 2020 and, while dealing with mixed feelings of […]

hello vacation!

Wynwood Street Art Hola! It’s been a little while so let’s catch up. Back in March, I did something crazy… after much back and forth, I planned a short getaway to a beach destination with a girlfriend. It took some time trying to decide whether I should take my kids or not. This year has […]

here’s to the mom tribe

Woman with 2 kids near a bridge

The other night, I went on a Wegman’s run and those close to me know that I do enjoy an hour or two walking the aisles pondering over snack choices and gluten-free items to try… and don’t get me started on the assortment of cheeses. One thing I don’t enjoy though is squeezing this therapeutic […]


Woman with 2 children at a table

PXL_20210302_012243964.PORTRAIT.jpg This past Monday was my eldest daughter’s birthday and with every birthday comes many bittersweet sentiments tied to how fast time is moving. In order to make her day extra special, I put my feelings to the side and proposed that, for the first time post separation, we all go out to dinner as […]