If you’re a single parent you know that dating is rough… and I don’t mean this because of a lack of possible suitors, I’m referring to the juggling act that happens in order to make alone time a real possibility. As an entrepreneur navigating a pandemic and managing remote learning without co-parenting help, it’s definitely been challenging. One thing that I’ve found surprising though is the willingness to keep at it… to reach into an energy supply especially reserved for some “me time.” I don’t know if other single parents feel the same but it’s funny how exchanging hours of sleep for some meaningful conversation over drinks gives me more energy the next day than rolling in late after a Netflix binge. I know the hustle of the everyday life of a working parent can sometimes take hold of us but if it’s one thing I learned post marriage is the idea that when you want to keep that spark going, you’ll both be willing to put in the time.
As single parents, it’s not only about figuring out who will watch your children. It’s also about understanding the type of relationship you have in front of you and the idea that eventually you won’t be the only one dating this person. You have to consider the potential of it all… will your children embrace him/her? Do you share the same values? What baggage does this person carry? What traumas will you need to work through? Parenting is tough as it is and if you throw in this added layer, it can become a whirlwind of emotions that can ultimately produce some anxiety. Luckily, while we’re not perfect (far from), we are both looking at the big picture and learning how to navigate it in a way that we’re both comfortable with. While our journeys are different and we don’t always agree, we’re learning how to align our lives while applying lessons learned from our past relationships. One thing is certain though, refueling and dedicating the time to “us” makes us better single parents.