back to school send off



I know it has been a bit since I last posted. I cannot believe we’re already in the midst of the most anticipated time of year for us parents, “Back to School” time. I know most of us have been waiting for this day since March 2020 and, while dealing with mixed feelings of excitement and anxiety, we’re still getting into the groove of it all. I totally forgot what the morning rush felt like, let alone the drill sergeant tones that easily slip out of my mouth as we’re racing against the clock to make it to school on time. We have a new addition to the crew, my 5 year old niece is now living with us, so these past few months have been nothing short of a true test of patience (that’s a post for another time). Trying to get out the door takes strategy – outfits lined up the night before, snacks packed, water bottles rinsed and full, daily masks prepped on lanyards with new filters, and daily health checks (we can’t forget the additional work added to our load thanks to COVID).

Since it’s easy to fall into a militant style morning where it seems all I do is direct orders and rush my children through every task, I thought back to the last on-site school year. I remember thinking about how to turn it around and diminish the negative sentiments that might be associated with school mornings. I definitely want my children to start their day feeling positive and so we brought a small, yet significant, element back to life. Besides a school ride playlist, we’ve re-introduced affirmations to our morning routine. I find this to be an impactful task that’s easy to adopt (because I can drive will we talk) and one that children really enjoy. Trust me, playing drill sergeant sucks my energy but discussing positive affirmations and empowering my kiddos fills my cup. The first few days, we came up with our own statements and opened dialogue on their meanings but last week, I picked up a cool book, “Positive Affirmations for Brown Girls” by Latinx author, Ayesha Rodriguez and started reading from here this week. Trust me, we’re not a perfect bunch and we’re still trying to find our rhythm but I know adding this little detail to our routine makes for a happier school send off.

I hope you enjoy some back to school shots taken from the last couple of weeks.







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