mental health check-in

With the spring season comes change and in very “on brand” style, we decided to embrace a full on business move and pivot on our business model. I must admit, I’ve been a little removed from the blog but I promise it’s for good reason. After 4+ years, we bid farewell to little Lola & […]

and then there were TWO

Two kids hugging on a couch

As you guys can imagine, the transition from having one child to having two is not an easy one. You mix that up with the brand new single mom status and it can be a recipe for some disastrous moments. One of the things I am trying to keep top of mind is that although […]

Mami, I wish you were dead.

A girl smiling near a staircase

Ever think how your sweet-faced angel could be nothing short of perfection? That’s what every parent thinks until they are not. The other night, after a day of rushing, working, caring, and cooking (and all the other in-betweens), we finally make it to the bedtime routine. To say I was exhausted is an understatement, but […]

good bye marriage. hello single mom!

Woman with her child in front of a large mural

Life has a way of surprising you, showing you things can change from one moment to the other without a clear indication of what’s supposed to come next. You know that terrible feeling of being pushed on your bottom and catching yourself sitting there wondering how you fell? What happened? That’s me… except I don’t […]

dear mommy-to-be…

Woman with her baby wrapped in a blanket

I am going through pregnancy blues, did I mention, baby #2 is on the way?! These days I am stuck in a thick daze of all-day sickness (because it should NOT be called “morning sickness”), headaches and very low energy while dealing with a non-stop threenager (that’s exactly what she is). In thinking about this […]

hello there… from Brooklyn!

Hello Friends! I am happy to report that my little Lola and I have not gotten lost in some adventure (although, it did feel like it) and that we are back to exploring new places and getting into some fun action once again. The past few months have been tumultuous to say the least with […]

spring refresh

At this time last week, I was waking up in a bed all to myself indulging in the tropical sounds of daybreak at my grandmother’s house in Santo Domingo. Who would have thought that taking on the task of picking her up to bring her back to the states would turn into some much needed […]

and off we go!

I know I’ve been disconnected for far too long and for that I sincerely apologize… I wouldn’t want for you to think I no longer wish to share our little adventures with you. Between an extended winter vacation to Dominican Republic, birthdays and a Valentines getaway, it seems I can’t seem to catch my breath, […]

mini New Yorker

If you are up for some NYC fun that’s toddler approved, I cannot urge you enough to catch the “NYC + Me: A Little Bite of the Big Apple” at the Children’s Museum of Manhattan before it comes to a close on January 18.  We were able to check it out last month and it […]

new year, new adventures

Happy New Year to all! I know it’s been a little while since I last posted but, I totally got lost with the holiday craze… perdon! 2016 is here! I encourage you all to reflect on the great memories you’ve created this past year and focus on the what was instead of the what was […]