Happy New Year to all! I know it’s been a little while since I last posted but, I totally got lost with the holiday craze… perdon!
2016 is here! I encourage you all to reflect on the great memories you’ve created this past year and focus on the what was instead of the what was not. So often New Year’s takes a nostalgic spiral towards the things that we’ve left undone and we dismiss all the good that has come out of the fleeting year. As for me, I can’t believe 2015 has gone so fast and while there were quite a few curve balls thrown my way, I came out feeling pretty confident within the mommy role; an idea that many first time parents can probably relate to. I was able to indulge in many a sweet moment with my little Lola and we created many jetsetting memories on all of our adventures abroad and around town.
I am excited for what 2016 has in store and can’t wait to share some ideas that I have up my sleeve. I hope to become a little source of inspiration for you and your little one so here is to another year, many more adventures and creating lasting memories… at the end of the day, isn’t that what life is all about?! Happy New Year!