fall into little Lola style

A girl smiling near a bush

One of the things that gets me excited about a new season is switching things up in my little one’s closet. Unfortunately, money is an object, as it is with most, and so I can’t completely create a brand new, season-appropriate wardrobe so what do I do? I get creative. I know some parents don’t […]

a little bit of theater in the park

Who would have thought that amidst the bustle of the city, nestled among the fall foliage, sat a cozy little marionette cottage. We took advantage of the spring-like weather and indulged in a little holiday fun. The 3 Bears Holiday Bash at the Swedish Cottage Marionette Theater was the perfect theater introduction for my 21-month-old. […]

giving thanks

If you can believe it, Thanksgiving has come and gone. Even though I don’t only think about my blessings during the holiday, it is certainly a time of reflection. I feel that when you have a child you contemplate on the traditions you want to start, continue or even skip… you think about what might […]